Friday, January 7, 2011

the week of snot

so i have been on vacation since jan 1st (whats that you say, with all that time off why no blog? we your loyal fans crave updates on your entertaining life so that we may live vicariously through it.... freakin liars.)

the reason there has been no blog is due to illness, not just my own but also that of my great son lachlan.... poor lil gaffer all full of snot, dripping from his nose mouth and eyes he looked so pathetic.

we spent the first few days cuddling and whimpering (him too not just me). luckily he is on anti-biotic's now and feeling amazing, back to his Tasmanian devil like self .

i have been spending the week watching movies and bonding with my little ragamuffin. despite being sick and sore it has been an amazing week, and i wish i could do it more often.....

Monday, November 29, 2010

my woody theory

first things first i mean woody as in sheriff woody from toy story.

my wife and i were watching toy story 3 on the weekend (an increadably depressing movie bye the way) and jacqueline asked why woody never had a kid before Andy, since he is as old as Jessie, who had a kid before being sold or abandoned or something... and being stuck with that collector guy.

so where was woody before Andy had him?

my theory is he use to belong to Andy's dad, that's right, Andy's father never appears in any of the movies, nor is he even mentioned.

so i got to thinking, where could he be? he could of left them or was never even in the picture, but maybe he died, and before he died he gave his favorite toy to Andy and told woody to keep an eye on Andy.

this explains why no matter what Woody will not give up on Andy, and why he is so fiercely loyal to him at all costs.

even though he is just a toy he does take care of Andy and loves him. He even helps Andy move on in life and go to college (won't explain that in case anyone has not seen part 3)

but yeah that is my theory, the crazy things that go through my head eh?

well if you have any other theories i would love to hear them...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

to christmas or not to christmas

First off, I love Christmas LOVE IT!!!!

Yet my wife insists on starting the Christmas season now i.e. Christmas movies Christmas songs and that the tree must be up before December 1st.

I believe that all should be saved until December, that still gives you 26 days (including boxing day) for the Christmas season. this is plenty, why spread it out to the point where you forget to enjoy it while it is here. condensed Christmas is more potent than watered down Christmas.

Its bad enough that they put out Christmas stuff at walmart and the like before Halloween even finishes, and we have Christmas commercials braiding us soon afterwords.

THE BEST part of Christmas this year is going to be Lachlan's reactions to the tree and presents. that I can't wait for, the rest I want to enjoy and a reasonable pace so I can remember what really matters, Family.

AND egg nog.... mmm nog

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Every Friday morning i see people posting TGIF, seriously you all suck.

who are you people who work Monday to Friday jobs, what wold is this. the majority of us people work Saturdays, because we all suck.

i am advocating for a ban on "TGIF" unless of course we are talking about the wicked cool line up on abc (go teen angle go). until we all work Monday to Friday jobs we should be kind to us weekend impaired, if you do work Monday to Friday you have no idea how much it sucks to have to see all that stuff every week.

so please stop, i will give you cookies*

*cookies will automatically be installed on your computer when visiting my blog

Saturday, October 23, 2010

babies are anarchist's

thats right i said it,

baby's hate order, they see a shelf of dvd's they have to pull them off, you pile his bricks up into a building he knocks it down, you put there toys away they pull them out again even if they aren't playing with them.

baby's crave chaos. if babies ruled the world all would be lost to whims and fancy, and poop.

yet just like true anarchist's the secretly need order, set nap and feeding times. the constant of parental love.

despite the baby's foolish desire for chaos, it is order they truly need.

Friday, October 15, 2010

wipes off the cobwebs

test test does this thing still work???

hmm seems to, lets see for sure

Bless me followers for i have sined, it has been 3 months since my last blog.

lots has happened in these 3 months, my son is now (almost) 9 months old.

he not only sits up by him self he stands up walks along the couch talks (i swear he says dada) and has one tooth. he seems to have the superhuman ability to constantly become cuter and cuter.

he loves to laugh and play. also likes to eat the phone and splash in the tub.
he is a constant source of joy in my life. i live to come home and play tag with him and my lovely wife.

any day now he will be walking and running and causing (more) trouble.

he also loves cheerios but then who doesn't

also i have moved within my job i no longer deliver furniture, ok well i still do, but my job is now technically a collector. i get to call all the people who don't pay there bills. so far its fun.

all this and i am still handsome, why is everyone laughing?????? you all suck i am going to bed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

he is wearing what?... He's Playing WHO!!??

first off i would like to say that i am a huge green lantern fan, HUGE. I have a green lantern logo tattooed on my finger, like that huge.

so of course i am looking forward to the movie coming out next year (June 17 2011 to be exact) staring Canadian actor Ryan Renyolds, pee my pants excited... wait did i say that out loud... never mind that part.

ANYWAY, you can imagine my excitement when i heard they released a picture of Ryan in his much hyped cgi costume, and THIS is what i got


this is what his costume is meant to look like. ohh yeah.

so now i am worried, sure they have plenty of time to change the costume, it is cgi after all, but will they, hopefully they will see an outrage from the fans, in fact, everyone should go HERE and vote for either "Meh, Talk about mediocre." or " why is it glowing? to much CGI!"

now moving away from DC and on to Marvel,

they outed Edward Norton from playing the Hulk, which i was against anyway, but now they are talking about casting Mark Gruffalo, to play the hulk... wait, what? not Gruffalo? Ruffalo? oh, ok what ever still, he is the dude from 13 going on 30 (yes i understand that movie also stared Jennifer "Elektra" Garner-Afleck, but that movie sucked, and yes i still own it) but still this man does not come off geeky enough to play Bruce Banner (sorry Norton, but you do!!)

that is still a rumor anyway so hopefull it doesn't pan out, and maybe Norton and marvel will make peace. but that i doubt.