Tuesday, July 21, 2009

feel like batman... minus the OCD

so i work in a not-so-nice part of town, and we often get the pleasure of watching some interesting things, hookers being the most common and entertaining. Normally we just watch them from afar and giggle at them when they get picked up. but this particular hooker crossed the line and came up to our store and asked our customers to *insert dirty stuff here*

lucky the customer was in good humor and just laughed it off but we can't have hookers taking our customers money so they can't pay us!!

she ended up getting into a minivan... who knows why... but then in about 20 min she was back.. strange i know.

i should also say that this lady of the night, has been "hitchhiking" out side our store every day for almost a week.

so this time she was across the street when a police car happened to be cutting through our parking lot so i ran up and told them that she had been approaching our customers, and off they went.

they caught up to her a little down the street, but luckly still with in view (hehehe) they talked to her for a while, and eventually they put her in the back of the car and drove off... i do kinda feel bad for ruining her working day, but at the same time i feel like i faught crime :D.

on the note of fighting crime, watchmen comes out on DVD today..... i hate being poor i want to watch it right now!!!!!!! whats even worse is that with this DVD i think i wouldn't be happy with the single disk edition, so that jumps the price up to 28 + tax LAME

ONTOP of that the Green Lantern Animated movie comes out NEXT week, and i need to get that so i can force my wife to watch it so maybe i can FINALY get her to see how AWESOME he is.... i seem to be CAPSING alot of words in this PARAGRAPH... hehe

so to sum up... if you have hookers giving you trouble give me a call..... and pay me so i can buy movies (there tied it all togeather)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

not trying out for the pin pals

turns out i suck at bowling, i thought wii bowling was suppose to prepare me for the real world.. technically i won the first game (and by a large margin) but i only got 124... second game i lost by 1 pin i had 97 lame eh well i better stick to ..... uhh what ever it is i am good at..... i am sure i will think of something.

side note.... i actually have followers .... people i don't know even, so i am going to say thank you to you people....if you actually do read this blog feel free to comment and tell me who you are i am always up for making new friends :D

also bowling makes your muscles hurt.... stupid physical activity i might have to do more of it....someday

Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry potter and the half drunk chick

The wife and I went to see the good old potter boy on Wednesday, that's right opening night were that damn crazy!!! well last movie we actually went to the midnight showing so i guess not as crazy.

The movie was good, the book of this movie is probably the thickest book so unfortunately a lot got left on the editing floor, like potter getting kicked off the Quidditch team, Ron's cooler older brother being engaged to that chick from the other movie/book blah blah blah a lot of interesting stuff that just would not fit. it sucks but it has to be done. one thing i didn't like that they changed was harry and ginny getting together, they still kinda do, but it was done much better in the book.

The special effects were great the movie was funny and emotional at all the right parts, all in all good times.

what was not good times was the annoying trio of girls in front of us who would not shut the F*CK UP they were giggly and asking questions and one was checking her damn cell phone every 3 min, when did people get so rude? they were asked to be quiet by several different people and i almost punched them in the face..... i would of been given a medal i know it.

on a completely separate note, Blackest night started this week, Yet another cross company story from DC comics, don't get me wrong i am looking forward to this way more than i was over final crisis, but i would prefer if they did it more in the vain of Senestro corp war, were they kept the most of it contained to Green lantern and Green lantern Corps, with a couple of 1 shots here and there. this story has green lantern, green lantern corps, blackest night, blackest night, tails of the corps, a series of titles that run for 3 issues (blackest knight: superman, batman, teen titans etc) as well as having references in all dc books, for example: this weeks Titans featured a banner on the cover (a cover that has nothing to do with the internal story by the way) addressing it as a prelude to blackest night, and the story had 2 panels that reference the on coming story.

all this said, i am still excited for it!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Beware my power, or not

so they finally cast the lead role for green lantern and the role goes too *drum roll*

Ryan Reynolds


ok I love Ryan Reynolds and he totally has the right look for Hal and i do like that he is a comic fan because you know he will want to keep it close to source BUT Ryan always plays the same character and i can't think of a serious role that he has had that makes me think he can pull it off. when i heard christian bale was playing batman i thought back to American psycho and i went "yeah he can do it"
i am a HUGE Green Lantern fan (i have the logo tattooed on my finger) so i need this movie to be good for me to be able to continue living my life a happy man.

he does get extra points for being Canadian too :D

but... its so cheep!

i meant to add this to yesterday's post, (not that post) but now i get to add a whole new one so yay me.

Costco, sure they have great deals, but then you just buy more.

what 309 rolls of toilet paper for only 100 dollars!!! that's only 33.333333333333 cents a roll!!! how can you go wrong!!! except that you just spent 100 dollars on toilet paper and you have no where to store 300 rolls of the crap....

.... we went there for soup and possibly some chicken (good deals) and ended up with a cart full of stuff, damn you buying in bulk.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

do you see little yellow boxes too

first off today i went to my wife's doctor appointment, it was quick and uneventful until the doctor tried to listen to the baby's heart beat, it probably only took him a matter of seconds to find it but i swear to god it felt like an hour, and i didn't take a single breath that whole time. i almost died, my wife finds it hilarious. evil she is.

also watch knowing, i downloaded it illegally ....... i mean rented it yes rented it its good and i love the ending. it has strong biblical parallels, but in a not obvious ways, so want to be nick cage... some days.

also, i still hate pants.

ALSO (lots of also's today) i want to be as cool as the parents on grounded for life (great show watch it)