Wednesday, September 2, 2009


i have had what seems like 3 weeks of heavy allergies .. sneezing runny nose ... needless to say i am extra sexy lately ohhyeah baby

..... speakin of babies!!
as you may know my wife is prego... thus babies.... i had a realization the other day... when my baby is old enough to get into music my fave bands will not be around... bands like metallica who were actually around before I was born, will surly be gone, though hopefully not forgotten. hopefully they will be able to survive the test of time, but what of less popular/famous bands, like say the offspring, awesome band and yes they have been around for a good long while... but will they stay around or am i going to have to introduce my child to them with outdated cd's!! they will think i am crazy? or will they? i mean lots of kids are into rush and led zeppelin and the Beatles still. why not the offspring in 16 years? this is of serious concern to me... i am strange :)

now for a review of last weeks comics

"red" hulk 14: still have no idea who he is.... strating to not care

Teen Titans 74: WHY do they always kill off the ones i like.... first of they killed superboy, over at marvel they killed Icarus, now kid devil all my second (possably third) tier characters are falling to the waist side... good thing they brought superboy back... lesions my pain

flash rebirth 4: lot of info in one issue, i am totally going to have to reread this whole series a couple times once it is done, its beautiful though, you can love it just for the art mmm purdy

Batman the widening gyre 1: kevin smith returns to batman whooot..... since when does poison ivy want to bone the idea of ivy using pot plants to try and make batman high... classic smith humour all the way through, good story telling much better than Batman: Cacophony, which i just couldn't get into even though i liked onomatopoeia as a villain and apparently only smith is aloud to use him. so a good issue to start off his and walts second series.

thats all i got for now.... need to have a funny blog soon or i may loose Dave as a fan ;)

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