Wednesday, February 4, 2009

:( christian bale why?

Bale had a lovely lil freak out (this clip is uncensored by the way kiddies) on the set of the new terminator movie.

now i like christian bale, alot, probably bordering on man crush lot. but since no one reads this blog i am sure my secret is save lol

and i understand why he was pissed, the DP walked into the shot in the middle of filming, and according to the rant not for the first time. that is bad, like get fired bad really.

but i am not going to defend his tirade on the man, it went way to far and his anger was out of control.

AND this is one of those examples of an actor who thinks he is in charge of the movie too, hey christian guess what it is not your *bleepin* job to scream at the *bleepin* crew when they make a *bleepin* mistake, its the *bleepin* director's job.

your a good actor mr bale.... but you get no angry whopper till you learn to control your self, k.

1 comment:

  1. Today's Word of the Day on Urban Dictionary

    "Bale Out"

    When someone's stress level explodes to an epic proportion and a 5-minute f-bomb-laden tirade is unleashed on the unlucky soul who was in the wrong place at the wrong time -- much like Christian Bale on the T4 set.

    Pam was trying to study for her midterms in the library but the kid across the table kept tapping his pencil to his ipod making her Bale out and get suspended from the library for a week.
