Thursday, August 20, 2009

the never ending battle, for reason

so i am watching the daily show with Jon Stewart, and he is ripping apart fox news for the way they cover American citizens protesting government policy, when Bush was in power the people protesting were "loons" but the ones protesting Obama are great American's. (by the way my spell check doesn't recognize Obama, it wants to correct it to Obadiah)

but to me it seems that Jon is fighting up stream, he spent the entire first part of his show piece by piece taking apart there attempts at logic and showing exactly how they are now everything they once condemned , but the problem is people to the far side of ANY political view. if it be left or right, are so warped up in there own BS that logic cannot get past it.

but keep fighting the good fight jon, we are here for you!!

i have been planing to review some comics on this blog but by the time i get time to do it i am usaly a week behind on the comics i want to review, so even though i don't have time, i want to do some quick reviews. (some may be from last week and some from this)

Batgirl #1

good intro to the new (ongoing?) series, like how you don't have to wait 14+ issues to find out who new batgirl is *coughrulkcough* ended on a good clifhanger and i hope they focus on what the hell happened to cassandra cain she is one of my fave characters and they totaly have been under using her in the last several years

Blackest night: superman #1

liked it better than the batman one loved the showing of mixed emotions, which has been lacking in other blackest night series', i was wondering if it was possable to be more than one at a time. and it semed much more emotionaly drivin than the batman one.

Ultimate avengers #1

interesting, once again find out who red skull is (kinda) in the first issue, but the whole issue is one fight scene and not much depth

Ultimate spiderman #1 (last #1 i swear)

much more full and rounded story than avengers, interesting twists, cliffhangers and peter working at a fast food restaurant. we even get to see a story that could of came straight off classic parker

Invincible #65

nice warping up to past events, setting up next storylines, and character developments, seriously still in this transitional issue probably the best superhero comic in print. but i still have no idea why they bothered to increass Atom Eve's boob size... seemed out of character to me.

there you have it friends and random people who are fallowing my blog, a good decient update, i really need to do this more.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

why is there a kitten in this couch

lots of fun stuff.... one had an ultrasound on friday... my baby (who is still to young to identify the sex) moves ALOT but seems to be healthy and photogenic)... it was very surreal

also on the weekend i got blinds (FINALLY) for my living room and bedroom... time to take down the garbage bag that is on my windows.

and now for the strange story

yesterday at work, we picked up a couch from a customer at around 3:30... this person has a house full of children and pets, apparently so many it makes it hard to keep an eye on constantly.
aprox 3 hours latter i receive this call.

customer: "hi, umm this may sound really strange but.... do you have my kitten?"

me: ".... WHAT?"

C: "yeah.. uh when you picked up my couch today, well afterward i couldn't find my kitten. so we think it may have gotten in to the couch."

at this point i am freakin out becasue we didn't exactly handle that couch with kid gloves and we left it in the truck from when we picked it up to that point, and it was HOT out.

m: "uh ok hang on let me go check...."

i run out to the truck and open the back, freakin out because i do not want to find a dead cat in my truck.....

i get on the truck and lift up a pillow and looking up at me is a scared lil kittie.

the kittie was totaly fine and friskey.

m: "yeah i have your kittie he seems to be ok"

c: "oh thanks we will come get it now"

the next half an hour was spent me trying to keep the cat in the box and getting it to drink watter... that damn cat would not stay in the box... kept trying to jump around

all this while trying to close the store and take payments... but i managed they got there cat and all was well.