Wednesday, June 24, 2009

things i hate 3 the revenge of the sith

31. singers who complain about the paparazzi on there first album... like you know lady gaga
32. girls who keep there cell phones in there bra's ... get a purse
33. wookies, i mean chewie is cool but as a species they are over rated
34. when you are waiting for the bus and the not in service comes by, way to get my hopes up
35. Iphone's....... cause i want one :(
36. canceling good tv shows, i get less than one season of Drive, but we had to live with 9 seasons of Everyone loves raymond
37. people who bad mouth new simpsons episodes, i would like to see you be as funny after 20 years as they still are, they have made every story 80 times over and they still make me laugh.
38. humidify... i really don't need my boxers to be stuck up there thanks
39. when the bus stops for like 10 min for seemingly no reason (can you tell i wrote this on the bus)
40. people who believe that books (and comic books) are going to become non print media soon, i like both the feel of a good book and being able to show off my collection as a physical display and not numbers on my computer
41. sweater vests, like seriously WTF
42. pants, stupid bus driver
43. getting a new cell phone then seeing one you want better being released like 2 days latter... this works with computers and video game systems as well
44. highlander 2 ... Aliens? like, really!?
45. fat people on mopeds, just looks strange. you don't see me on a moped?
46. mopeds..... get a Harley
47. people who don't like Ben Affleck.... PHANTOMS LIKE A MO$#%^ F*#@$%
48. burger king, worlds slowest fast food (slow food anyone....... WHHAAAAAT? [if you get that you are my friend])
50. forgetting a number in your list
51. zellers, have you ever been in one? they haven't been updated since 1992
52. the jetsons.... HEY its like WAY past 1999.... WHERES MY FLYING CAR???? tease :(

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