Sunday, November 14, 2010

to christmas or not to christmas

First off, I love Christmas LOVE IT!!!!

Yet my wife insists on starting the Christmas season now i.e. Christmas movies Christmas songs and that the tree must be up before December 1st.

I believe that all should be saved until December, that still gives you 26 days (including boxing day) for the Christmas season. this is plenty, why spread it out to the point where you forget to enjoy it while it is here. condensed Christmas is more potent than watered down Christmas.

Its bad enough that they put out Christmas stuff at walmart and the like before Halloween even finishes, and we have Christmas commercials braiding us soon afterwords.

THE BEST part of Christmas this year is going to be Lachlan's reactions to the tree and presents. that I can't wait for, the rest I want to enjoy and a reasonable pace so I can remember what really matters, Family.

AND egg nog.... mmm nog